Comparing orthodontics reimbursements between health insurers is tricky and complex. The differences between dental insurance policies turn out to be huge every year. Coverage for orthodontics can be included in either a supplementary or dental insurance package. Each health insurer has one or more supplementary insurance policies that include this coverage. Comparison site conducts annual research into the premiums and conditions of supplementary dental insurance. Convenient for choosing the right dental insurance, right? Did you know that in many cases, the cost of braces is largely covered by supplementary insurance? There are big differences between the reimbursements by insurers. So check your insurance policy carefully to see what you are entitled to or adjust your insurance policy if necessary. Compare dental insurance policies here From basic insurance, the costs are almost never reimbursed. Only in very serious and exceptional cases, for example if the state of your teeth appears on the indicative list 'Reimbursement of special dentistry'. The orthodontist will indicate if you qualify for this indicative list and will submit an application to the insurance company. If your insurance agrees, the reimbursement will come from the basic insurance. The reimbursement will then fall under the deductible. Have you opted for a voluntary deductible excess? Then the costs will be paid first from the compulsory excess and then from your voluntary excess. If you have met your deductible, this care will be reimbursed by the insurance. The deductible applies to insured persons aged 18 and over.
It is also good to know that those on social assistance can claim special assistance in many municipalities when they need braces.
View a current overview of orthodontics reimbursements