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The practice

When to go to the orthodontist?

If the position of your jaws or teeth is not right, you may have a large gap between your upper and lower teeth, too little or too much space between your teeth. Perhaps this causes you problems with chewing or you experience regular gum complaints. The dentist will usually give you a referral for an orthodontist, but even without a referral you are welcome at our practice in Veghel.

Good result

We will give you information about the options and treatment and use many different techniques and materials. To achieve the best possible result together, your cooperation is very important. This means, for example, keeping your teeth clean and coming for regular check-ups. Because of the type of braces we use, our check-ups are not needed more often than six to eight weeks. This in turn saves precious time.


We strive to meet every patient's expectation. Orthodontist Practice Veghel is an ambitious and customer-friendly organisation and the best quality is our main motivation. With everything, we ask ourselves whether we can do it even better. 

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