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Orthodontics is a specialty in dentistry. You go to the orthodontist when your teeth are far forward or crooked, when you have too little or too much space between your teeth or when your teeth do not fit together properly. In some cases, the position of your teeth can lead to serious gum damage, fused jaws to facial asymmetry. Protruding teeth can also be more easily damaged during a fall. With orthodontic treatment, therefore, health is paramount and the attractive smile is a very pleasant side benefit!

Orthodontic treatment is possible at any age; about a third of our patients are adults. We prefer to treat youthful patients when they are between 10 and 13 years old, as we can still influence jaw growth at that time and we can make use of the space that is freed up during tooth exchange.


Orthodontic treatments

We are happy to explain how the treatment works and what you need to consider.



Other treatments

In our practice, we treat children and adults with intellectual and physical disabilities, ADHD, ADD or autism.


Types of brackets

There are many different braces, each with unique features to create beautiful and straight teeth.



Like any medical procedure, orthodontic treatment is not entirely risk-free.



Types of brackets

There are many different braces, each with unique features to create beautiful and straight teeth. Prior to treatment, we will discuss which braces are best for you. We may also recommend multiple braces.



This outer brace inhibits the growth of your upper jaw and moves the molars of your upper jaw slightly backwards.




These braces cause the lower jaw to be moved more forward relative to the upper jaw as your teeth grow.



Forsus springs

Forsus springs and an Herbst brace move the upper teeth backwards and the lower teeth forward instead.




The spider brace, or RME brace causes the upper jaw to widen in a very short time.



With brackets (locks on the teeth), we move your teeth. Brackets are small square plates glued to your teeth with composite.



C-C bar

To prevent your teeth from shifting after your braces are removed, an iron wire, also known as a splint, is often placed behind the front teeth.




Hawley en Essix

When your braces come off, your teeth are still a little 'loose' in the tooth bone. By wearing retention braces, the roots of your teeth have a chance to grow even more firmly into their new position.




An ortho-implant or bone anchor is a very small titanium plate applied to the jaw in the mouth.


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